Jailbreak iOS 5.1 iPad 3, iPad 2, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 & iPhone 3GS Untethered
How to Jailbreak the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 3 & iPad 2 Untethered
How to Jailbreak iPad 3, iPad 2, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 & iPhone 3GS with iOS 5.1 Untethered
Redsn0w was updated to jailbreak iOS 5.1 few days ago.
It works now with iPad 3 and iPhone 4S.
Devices are :
- iPad 3
- iPhone 3GS
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 4S
- iPad 2
What do you need :
- l'IPSW of your Device
- RedsnOw 0.9.9
- Downlaod Redsn0w 0.9.9:
Windows: http://oron.com/vvmctdo4c2mh
Mac: http://oron.com/2wehrnj9taz1
- Download iOS 5.1 IPSW:
- iPad 3: Wifi = http://oron.com/5oje6vpxqs0f
- iPad 3: 4G = http://oron.com/qq5ztj01pl43
- iPad 2: Wifi = http://oron.com/naea21cd4ija
- iPad 2: 3G= http://oron.com/8z8o1o5o61mg
- iPad 1: Wifi= http://oron.com/21nipwjkf8me
- iPad 1: 3G= http://oron.com/iqs8mblwa7i0
- iPhone 4S = http://oron.com/j3me13e8velb
- iPhone 4 = http://oron.com/uy02pprpdfuj
- iPhone 3G = http://oron.com/jnwzskxc9wtk
To get the password:
- Install the last update of iTunes
- Connect your iPhone with USB cable,
- Launch Redsn0w 0.9.9 and click « Browse » to load the firmware 5.1
- Click next and let Redsn0w continue.
- « Install Cydia » and click « Next »,
- Shutdown your iPad or iPhone
- Make your iPad or iPhone on DFU mode
At the end, you should find Cydia's icon on your SpringBoard.
The Jailbreak is now working with iOS 5.1 on your iPad 3, iPad 2, iPhone 4S ou iPhone 4.